Our services

Public Speaking

Public speaking can be an intimidating activity, whether it is presenting on a panel or facilitating calls amongst staff members. With the shift towards online communication, we find ourselves presenting to a wider audience than ever before. With a background in theatre, acting, and classical singing on top of her qualification as a speech-language therapist, Imogen is perfectly positioned to support you in developing skills and strategies to bring your confidence to an all-time high!

Fluency Therapy

Reducing stuttering for all ages

Stuttering is an indiscriminate disorder, and affects people of all ages and cultures. I provide targeted and individualised strategies to reduce stuttering behaviours and maintain fluent speech in everyday communication, as well as supporting people who stutter to connect with others in the community and develop or maintain self advocacy skills, both socially and in the workplace.

Accent and Intelligibility Training

Increasing communicative confidence for ESL speakers

Many people who speak English as a second language may find difficulties communicating due to either confidence or intelligibility difficulties. By working in a 1:1 setting, we can identify where any breakdown may be occurring, and increase overall intelligibility to ensure that you are communicating to the best of your ability.

Voice Therapy

Treatment of voice related issues

Overuse of the voice can lead to changes in voice quality, such as roughness, croakiness, hoarseness, or pain. Identification of causes and tailored management can help to reduce symptoms and damage to the vocal mechanism.

Corporate Upskilling

We understand that many key roles in corporate revolve around confidently communicating to teams, clients, partners and associates. We offer support for corporations and organisations who want to endorse opportunities for their employees to upskill. Intelligibility and public speaking training can develop team communication and presentation skills which in turn result in building better relationships with colleagues and clients globally.

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