What Would You Like to Know?

You’ve Got Questions – I’ve Got Answers

Do you offer intervention in Cantonese?

We proudly provide services both in English and Cantonese, and are able to offer bilingual intervention where appropriate. Whatever your family’s language background, we are here to support you in any way we can!

What's the best way to book an appointment

Directly contact me via email at admin@imaginespeechlp.com, or Whatsapp at +852 6587 9692. I will respond within one working day.

How much does it cost?

Various pricing options are available for home visits, clinic, online, or school based sessions. We also offer group sessions, which allows us to target communication difficulties in a supported social environment. For a full schedule of fees, please contact me at admin@imaginespeechlp.com

Will insurance cover my visit?

Insurance policies in Hong Kong are all different, so it is best to ask your provider directly. I can provide diagnostic reports/letters as required in order to support your claims process.

Will my child need a formal assessment?

We approach each child in a holistic manner, taking into account their presenting difficulties, background/previous therapy, family preferences, and school requirements. As such, the need for a formal, standardised assessment is decided on a case by case basis, in collaboration with the family.

What is the duration of a session?

A standard clinic session is 50 minutes in duration, and includes a parent update either in person or via email/whatsapp. 
In-school sessions are 30 mins for Early Years and 45 mins for all other sessions.
Formal assessments may take up to 3 hours, or may be split into several shorter sessions in order to achieve the best results from the child.

How many sessions will my child need?

This is again influenced by a number of factors, including (but not limited to) the severity of the delay/disorder, family involvement, the motivation of the child, the therapy technique used, and the presence of any comorbid conditions.

If my child comes to see you, will they receive a formal diagnosis?

There are certain diagnoses which a speech-language therapist can diagnose (such as a speech, language, or fluency delay/disorder), however there are others which require the input of a multidisciplinary team, such as an occupational therapist, clinical psychologist, or audiologist. Another point to note is that a formal diagnosis is not always necessary, and it may be possible to progress with therapy based on the child’s presentation rather than a formal diagnosis.

Resources for Parents

Useful links and sites

The Hanen Centre

The Hanen Centre have a range of resources and ideas for parents of late talking children. Check out their link here!
I am a certified ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ practitioner. Feel free to ask me more!

The Lidcombe Program

When treating childhood stuttering, the Lidcombe Program comes with the highest level of evidence. Follow the link below for an explanation on how you can work closely with your speech pathologist to increase your child’s speech fluency.



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